Maitri Puja for World Peace 2017 Announcement


Maitri Mangalam _()_

Having now been officially announced, the global Sangha are delighted to be preparing for the upcoming Maitri Puja for World Peace to be held from the 21st March to 2nd April 2017 in Chunikhel, Bugal, Kathmandu, Nepal.

Those of us attending the Puja will be given the rare opportunity to be in the divine presence of Mahasambodhi Dharmasangha Guru and receive His divine blessings and immense love as we come together to chant prayers, recite mantras and do our personal contemplations about how to live a more loving & Dharma filled life.

Throughout this time, we will no doubt experience deep healing and purification as we let go of our egos and accumulate an array of karmic merit during these thirteen days of prayer and internal reflection.

May we all be guided towards this beautiful feeling of love & peace for the benefit of all!

For many in the Sangha this announcement has been indeed long awaited and we are very happy to be given again this truly divine opportunity to come together in this beautiful feeling of Maitri and loving kindness.

Since this upcoming Maitri Puja will be the last major public event and held close to Kathmandu, as Guru prepares for His Dharma travels abroad, it is likely that many thousands of people from Nepal will be attending this rare and sacred event.

You and your loved ones, and anyone who may feel drawn towards this auspicious occasion are most lovingly invited to come immerse in Maitri Dharma. Please feel free to share this link with friends, family or anyone else you feel may benefit from this Gathering.

May all Dharma lovers, truth seekers, devotees and Sangha members from all over the world come together in a feeling of pure love, compassion and unity for the infinite benefit of all!

All the Sangha, in Nepal and around the world wish to thank everyone for their continued support and hard work and look forward to seeing you all at this Joyous Dharma-filled Maitri Puja in March 2017. May this bring happiness and joy to all living beings in existence!

Maitri Mangalam!